Welcome to the Internal Quality Assurance Cell Faculty of Technology

The Internal Quality assurance cell of the Faculty of Technology was established in year 2020 under the directive of the Centre for Quality Assurance (CQA), University of Colombo. The Cell initiates, guides and monitors various activities and systems for conscious and consistent quality improvement of the academic and administrative performance of the Faculty of Technology, University of Colombo. The key functions of the IQAC are supporting the optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning, ensuring the credibility of evaluation procedures, safeguarding the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structures and services for teaching and research and networking with other institutions working together with faculty subcommittees such as Curriculum Development and Evaluation Committee, Higher Degree Committee, IT committee, Career Guidance Committee and the Departments with regard to all quality assurance related activities. Moreover, the cell liaises with the Director, Centre for Quality Assurance of the University of Colombo to coordinate the university wide Quality Assurance activities.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Faculty of Technology
University of Colombo
Mahenwatta Pitipana
Sri Lanka
Dr. B.L.Sanjaya Thilakarathne
Email: IQAC@tec.cmb.ac.lk